AR-10 - 8.6 Blackout

AR-10 - 8.6 Blackout

8.6 BLK is a versatile cartridge for the AR-10 platform capable of doing anything from tactical shooting with a suppressor to dropping big game over 500 yards. Commonly used to shoot over 1000 yards this round offers a new way to experience the often violent and high recoil ar-10 platform in a quieter, smoother, and lower recoil round. Designed for use with a suppressor this bullet can even be hearing safe with the use of a good suppressor.

Shop our selection of Upper Receivers and Build Kits to start your next 8.6 Blackout build. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking to use an old AR-10 lower receiver we have you covered. 8.6 Blackout was designed to have well performing ballistics out of a shorter barrel and while shooting suppressed. With the ability to shoot subsonics from the AR-10 platform while maintaining force on impact the 8.6 offers a unique advantage to hunting. Low recoil is a welcome feature of shooting this round in comparison to .308 and other AR10 calibers.